Your Gucci sunglasses are one of the biggest and most treasured investments that you have in life therefore you should strive to maintain them in good working condition all the time. This is regardless of whether they are prescribed or non-prescribed as you will have to ensure they are ready for use at any given time you need them. If you at all think on the same line then the following care tips will help you keep your sunglasses clean and in good working condition each and every time. Make sure you check your glasses as often as possible to detect any signs of wearing out. In case you notice anything to that effect then act swiftly to have it fixed without delay.
The alignment of your sunglasses is very important and for that reason you need to check on that all the time to ensure they are well aligned. For any defect noted as far as this factor is concerned make sure you contact your optician so that it can be fixed with immediate effect. You should not do it on your own but hire a professional since Gucci sunglasses are very delicate and will be damaged by a slight mistake. Thorough inspection should equally be carried out frequently to check for any scratches that your glasses might have suffered. In such a situation, it is advisable that you replace the scratched glasses for clear vision since no repairs can fix that effectively. It might be costly for you but as you will come to realize in the long-run it is very cheap.
When cleaning your Gucci sunglasses, you should start with a rinse under tap water to clear away any dust that might have settled on the glasses. This step will in addition do away with any particles that can cause scratches during the cleaning process therefore it is a very crucial step that you cannot sidestep that easily. You can then rub the glasses with your finger using a washing liquid that is free from lotion and it should be done on both sides of the sunglasses. This should then be extended to the frame since it is also part of your sunglasses thus you cannot leave it dirty. Once you are through with that, it is time to rinse off the dirt using warm water before drying it out with a soft piece of cloth. Abrasive material will cause scratches to the glasses therefore consider the type of drying material to use.
Taking good care of your Gucci sunglasses will also entail the time that you are not using them. Make sure they are stored in a place where children cannot reach and always under a protective covering. Great care should be applied when getting off your sunglasses to avoid them from falling off very easily which will cause damages once they fall on a hard surface. The most important caring tip for your sunglasses is storing them in a cool place since subjecting them to direct sunlight will only damage their material consequently weakening them.